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Cosmic B1 plus Use of English TG
Editura: LONGMAN - 2011
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Cartea autorului *** „Cosmic B1 plus Use of English TG" de la editura LONGMAN Cosmic B1 and B2 English in Use books provide: All grammar and vocabulary from the Students Book thorough
49,41 lei
PRP: 54,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 2. Teachers Book
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Leone Dyson „My Little Island Level 2. Teachers Book" de la editura LONGMAN The interleaved Teachers Edition includes full-size Student Book pages right beside the teaching lessons. » ...mai mult
122,76 lei
PRP: 141,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 2. Students Book and CD ROM Pack
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Leone Dyson „My Little Island Level 2. Students Book and CD ROM Pack" de la editura LONGMAN Eight thematic units focus on presentation and practice of the new vocabulary and language » ...mai mult
73,44 lei
PRP: 81,60 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 2. Flashcards
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului *** „My Little Island Level 2. Flashcards" de la editura LONGMAN Forty-eight colourful photographs of the target vocabulary appear on Flashcards for presentation, review, and games. » ...mai mult
95,94 lei
PRP: 110,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Culture Close-Up DVD
Editura: LONGMAN - 2015
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Cartea autorului *** „Culture Close-Up DVD" de la editura LONGMAN All the videos are accompanied by student worksheets and comprehensive teachers notes to help you make the most of your teaching time. » ...mai mult
84,33 lei
PRP: 93,70 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Active Teach
Editura: LONGMAN - 2014
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Cartea autorului Araminta Crace „Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Active Teach" de la editura LONGMAN ActiveTeach has a digital version of the Students Book and has:
411,48 lei
PRP: 457,20 lei
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Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Class CD
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Sarah Cunningham „Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Class CD" de la editura LONGMAN Cutting Edge... just got sharper. Teachers around the world trust Cutting Edge to deliver
61,56 lei
PRP: 68,40 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Students Book and DVD Pack
Editura: LONGMAN - 2016
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Cartea autorului Sarah Cunningham „Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Students Book and DVD Pack" de la editura LONGMAN New World culture lessons encourage the exploration of contemporary topics and » ...mai mult
126,72 lei
PRP: 146,40 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Students Book with DVD and MyLab Pack
Editura: LONGMAN - 2014
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Cartea autorului Sarah Cunningham „Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Students Book with DVD and MyLab Pack" de la editura LONGMAN The new edition includes a new Study, Practice, Remember section and » ...mai mult
232,65 lei
PRP: 258,50 lei
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Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Teachers Book and Teachers Resource Disk Pack
Editura: LONGMAN - 2019
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Cartea autorului Damian Williams „Cutting Edge Advanced New Edition Teachers Book and Teachers Resource Disk Pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Teachers Book contains the teaching notes and answer keys » ...mai mult
114,75 lei
PRP: 132,60 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Cosmic B2 Active Teach
Editura: LONGMAN - 2011
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Cartea autorului *** „Cosmic B2 Active Teach" de la editura LONGMAN Cosmic! uses technology to communicate through weblinks, blogs and educational games. Students enjoy learning in a fascinatingly familiar » ...mai mult
397,35 lei
PRP: 441,50 lei
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Cosmic B1 Grammar
Editura: LONGMAN - 2011
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Cartea autorului *** „Cosmic B1 Grammar" de la editura LONGMAN Cosmic B1 Grammar book provides: Full explanations of the grammar from each unit of the Students Book All grammar from th
49,41 lei
PRP: 54,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Cosmic B1 Grammar Teachers Guide
Editura: LONGMAN - 2011
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Cartea autorului *** „Cosmic B1 Grammar Teachers Guide" de la editura LONGMAN Cosmic Test Books provide: Grammar and vocabulary tests for each unit Progress reviews with a test writing
86,04 lei
PRP: 95,60 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 3. Teachers Book
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
  • promoție
Cartea autorului Leone Dyson „My Little Island Level 3. Teachers Book" de la editura LONGMAN The interleaved Teachers Edition includes full-size Student Book pages right beside the teaching lessons. » ...mai mult
122,76 lei
PRP: 136,40 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 3. Students Book and CD Rom Pack
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
  • promoție
Cartea autorului Leone Dyson „My Little Island Level 3. Students Book and CD Rom Pack" de la editura LONGMAN Eight thematic units focus on presentation and practice of the new vocabulary and language » ...mai mult
73,44 lei
PRP: 84,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 3. Flashcards
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
  • promoție
Cartea autorului *** „My Little Island Level 3. Flashcards" de la editura LONGMAN Forty-eight colourful photographs of the target vocabulary appear on Flashcards for presentation, review, and games. » ...mai mult
95,94 lei
PRP: 106,60 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Promo non-stop!
My Little Island Level 3. Big Book
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului *** „My Little Island Level 3. Big Book" de la editura LONGMAN The My Little Island Big Book engages children in a hands-on shared reading experience. The large, over-sized pages allow » ...mai mult
296,73 lei
PRP: 329,70 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 3. Active Teach
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului *** „My Little Island Level 3. Active Teach" de la editura LONGMAN This Interactive Whiteboard software is the perfect classroom tool to bring lessons alive and motivate students. It » ...mai mult
397,35 lei
PRP: 441,50 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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My Little Island Level 3. Activity Book and Songs and Chants CD Pack
Editura: LONGMAN - 2012
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Cartea autorului Leone Dyson „My Little Island Level 3. Activity Book and Songs and Chants CD Pack" de la editura LONGMAN The Activity Book provides practice and reinforcement of Pupils Book lessons. » ...mai mult
46,80 lei
PRP: 54,10 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Big Science 4. Workbook
Editura: LONGMAN - 2016
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Cartea autorului *** „Big Science 4. Workbook" de la editura LONGMAN The workbook provides support and practice of language in class or at home. Activities relating to each lessons key vocabu
51,84 lei
PRP: 57,60 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Science 5. Active Teach
Editura: LONGMAN - 2016
  • promoție
Cartea autorului *** „Science 5. Active Teach" de la editura LONGMAN ActiveTeach Interactive Whiteboard tools Interactive Student Book pages Shortcuts for quick and easy navigat
397,35 lei
PRP: 441,50 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Big Science 5. Student Book
Editura: LONGMAN - 2016
  • promoție
Cartea autorului *** „Big Science 5. Student Book" de la editura LONGMAN The Student Book consists of 9 units presenting specific topic or concept 12 lessons in each unit 5E learning c
72,81 lei
PRP: 80,90 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Big Science 5. Teachers Book
Editura: LONGMAN - 2016
  • promoție
Cartea autorului *** „Big Science 5. Teachers Book" de la editura LONGMAN Big Science Teachers Book provides a comprehensive overview of each unit. Activities and ideas additional to those in
114,75 lei
PRP: 127,50 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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Big Science 5. Workbook
Editura: LONGMAN - 2016
  • promoție
Cartea autorului *** „Big Science 5. Workbook" de la editura LONGMAN The workbook provides support and practice of language in class or at home. Activities relating to each lessons key vocabu
51,84 lei
PRP: 57,60 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
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